Industrial Design provides companies with a lot of economic benefits. Many companies are paying more and more attention to industrial design. In the course of its development trend, industrial design is only used in Product Design and other fields, so many people will mistake it for industrial design. It is this kind of visual design work. The simple explanation is to make the product more beautiful, so the product structure design, product function design, etc. are ignored. Is industrial design equivalent to product appearance design?

I think that industrial design requires many stages and departments to cooperate with each other. Product appearance design is only one stage of industrial design. It is the designer’s application of all aspects of dedicated knowledge in the process of design and conception. It is like acoustics, social psychology, and ergonomics. This kind of external expression of products granted by materials such as science and materials is immediately disseminated to customers, and the content behind this kind of method, industrial design includes far more than this.
Many people will confuse the definition of industrial design. First, the product must be mass-produced. After designing and considering, a better plan is calculated. Then, based on this plan, various raw materials, structures, shapes, colors, and molds are designed. After the manufacturing and after-sales maintenance service after burning, the whole set of steps is completed, and the industrial design of the product is truly carried out on the floor, not a simple product design.
Industrial design can often be seen in external products, and the general consumer group is also promoting the development of this manufacturing industry. Industrial design should make products not only have appreciative use value, but also be powerful and durable. In line with the customer’s psychological state, so that the product is very easy to be accepted by customers. Many regulations in industrial design require the assistance of a variety of comprehensive knowledge, not just a good product shape can do a good job in industrial design.
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