E- cigarette product design
Whole case design | Product highlights planning | Product appearance design | Structural design | Design for manufacture
LAMI e-cigarette single product sales exceeded 100 million+
Client: Wuye Shen Group
Year: 2022
Our Role: Product highlights planning | product appearance design | structural design | whole case design | design for manufacture
LAMI, which the Guangdong Wuye Shen Group owns, faces a significant challenge in the highly competitive nebulizer market. The company needs to develop a new product as the current product has various limitations affecting sales and brand development.
This electronic atomizer created by Zillion Design for the LAMI greatly enhances the appearance of the new product, making the product have good market acceptance, and has been greatly recognized by customers.
User insight
User insight and the functional details of the product to improve the design, so that the product in the use of many problems have been greatly improved, greatly enhance the quality of the product.
Optimization and upgrading
Heating does not burn, the use of external equipment only heating does not burn, to minimize harmful substances.
Our Succesful Practice
1. The device comes in various colors and is made of high-end aluminum alloy. The body is created through a process of CNC drilling and cutting, resulting in a unique integrated body. The use of multiple anodizing technology provides a distinctive metallic look and a comfortable and soft feel.
2. In terms of functionality, the device is equipped with power tips and a more suitable drag aperture, which has been adjusted after 1000+ experiments to achieve a stable drag rate of change. The atomizer aperture has been modified to ensure a smooth drag range, resulting in a more stable and comfortable vaping experience with consistent taste.
Design Achievenments
Single product sales exceeded 100 million +
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