Red light pen &5G optical fiber inspection Product design
Product highlights planning | product appearance design | structural design | whole case design | design for manufacture | Hot-selling product design
Help customers to exceed 100million + sales
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Red light pen &5G optical fiber inspection single product sales exceeded 100 million +
Client: Guang Yan
Year: 2019
Our Role: Product highlights planning | product appearance design | structural design | whole case design | design for manufacture | Hot-selling product design
Innovation insight
The innovative hidden detector design prevents errors caused by dust entry caused by forgetting to close the dust cover and prolonging the service life of the laser probe.
Functional requirement
Find breakpoints. Bend. Connector fault type fracture; OTDR blind zone fault finding, fiber fault point (breakpoint. The optical fiber characteristics at the beginning or end) and the high loss section caused by micro-bending, the accuracy can reach the mm level, and can also be used for: inspection before and after network installation; Optical fiber jumper. Pigtail. Fiber core wire or bare fiber (plain wire) in the box, etc.;
Product strategy
The innovative hidden detector design prevents errors caused by dust entry caused by forgetting to close the dust cover and prolonging the service life of the laser probe. Configure HD color display screen, color text on black background, so that the data is more clearly displayed. High-light LED lighting for easy construction in dark environments.
Optimize the experience
Body shape design combined with ergonomics, arc design to fit the feel, to bring users a more comfortable operating experience.
1, In appearance, the design language of the minimalist streamline fully shows the beauty of Eastern art, 3. The use of aviation aluminum CNC processing technology, make the product more durable.
2, In terms of function, through the output of the red laser visible to the human eye, it can measure the fiber connection loss, check the continuity, and the fault point of the fiber break; Supports SC/FC/ST fiber interfaces, and automatically identifies seven fiber wavelength frequencies. The innovative hidden detector design prevents errors caused by dust entry caused by forgetting to close the dust cover and prolonging the service life of the laser probe. Configure HD color display screen, color text on black background, so that the data is more clearly displayed. High-light LED lighting for easy construction in dark environments.
Design achievement
Help customers to exceed 100million + sales
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