What is the design of VR glasses? In which industries is it applied?
VR is the abbreviation of Virtual Reality, which means virtual reality in Chinese. The design of VR glasses...
How can product design give businesses an edge?
In Product Design, consumers are more inclined to pay attention to the appearance design of products....
How to correctly understand the product design company?
Many people know that appearance design is the design on the surface that is visually seen, but in fact,...
Product design: how to ensure product function and use value?
The product shape design should not only meet the functional requirements of the product, but also meet...
How to create a reasonable form in industrial design?
The morphological view of Product Design is the world view of how the designer creates and...
Awards Information Station VOL.007 | 2022 Golden Pin Design Award | Take you back to the Shenzhen field of "Design View × Golden Dot Design Award"
Since 2015, the Golden Pin Design Award has held the event “Design View X Golden Dot Design Award”....
What should be considered in the design of small household appliances?
With the improvement of living standards, people’s requirements for the quality of life are gradually...
How is the industrial product design and consumption circle formed?
Industrial Design has become an indispensable existence in our life, and it is inseparable from...
What is product development?
The process of creating a new product, from ideation to commercialization, is known as product development....
Product structure design
Designing the product structure has an impact on how well the productization process works. The technique...
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